Chamber Music Festival of the Bluegrass
May 23 + 24, 2020

Now in its 14th year, the Chamber Music Festival of the Bluegrass hosts hundreds of chamber music enthusiasts who gather at Shaker Village to spend the weekend with the world-renowned musicians from New York’s Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center (CMS).
Join CMS Artistic Directors David Finckel and Wu Han for special performances in the Meadow View Barn.
Chamber music enthusiasts can also enjoy two educational lectures, led by a representative from Lincoln Center, that explore the history of each piece of music in the festival.
Ticketing Schedule
- Nov. 1: Patron Ticket Packages available
- Feb. 4 @ 8:00 am: Day Passes on sale / Room Reservations open
- March 3 @ 8:00 am: Individual Concert Tickets on sale
Make Your Reservations