Exhibit Grand Opening: The Believers
Friday, September 22, 2023 | 6-7:30 p.m.

The Shakers’ religious beliefs shaped every aspect of their lives, and provided a framework for their society. Millions of people have visited Pleasant Hill in the years since the Shakers inhabited this Village, but few have truly understood the faith that provided the foundation of this community.
Join us for the grand opening of the new, permanent exhibition, The Believers, and explore the theology and worship practices of this enigmatic Christian sect. Following a reception and introduction, Shaker Village educators will provide guided tours through the multiple rooms of the exhibit, discussing the origins of Shakerism, Shaker theology, worship practices, music, the architecture of the 1820 Meeting House and examples of how the Shaker faith was manifested through art.
- The Believers exhibit is located on the 2nd floor of the 1820 Meeting House, with access available by stairs.
- Admission is complimentary, with appetizers and beverages included. Cash bar available.
- Call 859.734.5411 or email [email protected] for more information.