Meet-and-Greet Deacon
Saturday, February 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2022 | 1 – 3:00 p.m.

Our resident farm dog, Deacon, is turning three (weighing in at 194 lbs.) and we want to celebrate him all month long!
Every Saturday in February Deacon will be waiting at the Farm Barn with Farm Manager and #1 Dog Dad Mike Moore for special meet-and-greets the entire family can enjoy. Come out for lunch at The Trustees' Table where you can enjoy Deacon's birthday dessert, a peanut butter cheesecake with candied peanuts and a graham cracker "dog bone." Then head over to give Deacon a pat on the head, meet some of his farm friends and go on a Deacon-themed scavenger hunt throughout the Village.
Deacon’s Farm Friends Fundraiser
In lieu of chew toys and treats Deacon is wishing for donations to help care for his farm animal friends. What can your donation do? A lot! Your gift will help purchase feed, cover veterinary care expenses and more for the 130 farm animals who call Shaker Village home.
As a non-profit organization, your generosity makes an impact. Thank you for your support.
For additional information, please call 859.734.5411 or email [email protected].