Needlework & Rug Making Demonstration - Lydia Allen
Saturday, May 22 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Join artist Lydia Allen as she demonstrates needlework and penny rug making. This demonstration will take place outdoors, weather permitting, and guests will be able to interact with the artist and discuss her process.
Artist's Bio
The inspiration for Lydia’s wool art has been her appreciation for the intricate handwork designs from 18th and 19th century textiles. Her wool creations incorporate themes and patterns that symbolize peace.
Lydia uses wool fabric, creating her own unique designs and patterns. All are hand cut and stitched. An idea comes to mind, sometimes there is a sketch, then the wool and thread come together to tell a story or share a memory.
* Demonstrations take place at the Welcome Center, and participation is included with Admission to Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill
Call 859.734.5411 or email [email protected] for more information.