2022 Teen Service Leadership
June 27 - July 1 | 7:30 am - 5:30 pm | Ages 13-14

This unique and engaging experience for campers ages 13-14 is designed to recognize and enhance leadership skills. Leadership begins through service to others, and a key component of Teen Service Leadership is the integration of service projects and facilitated teambuilding initiatives.
Alongside trained Shaker Village staff, campers will learn techniques for organic gardening, dry stone fence construction and the management of rare ecosystems, while completing projects that will fill them with a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Campers will also take part in daily teambuilding activities to guide their development both as leaders and as members of a team. Each day will have plenty of time for additional fun, with archery, riverboat rides, crafts and other adventures built into the schedule.
Pricing: $250 per camper
Register before April 1: $225 per camper
Registration fee includes full-day programming throughout the week, two healthy snacks per day (one AM, one PM: granola bar, cheese stick, piece of fruit, etc.), one Shaker Village t-shirt, and free annual family membership ($135 value - begins after camp attendance). Campers must bring their own non-perishable sack lunch.
Registration also includes one 20% off dining voucher per registrant and is valid through the end of 2022. Dining reservations recommended to assure availability: call 859.734.5411.
Register For Teen Service Leadership
Parent and Camper Forms